Monday, June 11, 2012

We get asked a lot what kind of music we listen to.  To be honest, Jane doesn't listen to music unless she's driving. She doesn't check out new bands on YouTube or whatnot. When she's in her apartment she likes to putt around in silence or read or meditate/pray. She's not into white noise too much unless she's scared at night and needs the TV on. Aaron, however, is always finding new musicians and somehow or other finds the coolest music out there!  He is always discovering wonderful new songs and musicians.  How he does it, even Jane doesn't know. 

Here is Jane's playlist - which may not include a lot of new songs, FYI, but this is what she listens to constantly (when she's not putting on country 105.1). Aaron's playlist will be listed next time! 

1. The Weepies "World Spins Madly On"
2. The Format "On Your Porch"
3. Joshua Radin "Paperweight"
4. Glen Hansard "Say It To Me Now"
5. Griffen House "Better Than Love"
6. Priscilla Ahn "Dream"
7. Damien Rice "9 Crimes"
8. Peter Bradley Adams "Los Angeles"
9. Owl City "Fireflies"
10. Griffen House "Only Love Remains"

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