Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I guess we're not quite at the point where people are scrambling to win a free giveaway of our music. I think most people don't really care about our music.  Or what we are doing. But that's okay. 

It reminds me of "A Circle of Quiet" where Madeleine L'Engle  had a decade of rejection slips from editors concerning her books. And on her 40th birthday, she got another rejection. She was struggling with feeling like she wasn't pulling her weight in her family income, her family rejoiced when she scrubbed the kitchen floor, and all those hours invested in writing wasn't amounting to anything. She had enough rejection slips to plaster her wall. But on her 40th birthday rejection, she learned that she had to recognize that although every writer wants to be published (just as every musician wants their music to affect their listeners & be purchased), sometimes you have to accept that you do it simply because you must. (Ironically, it was in her 40s that she finally got "A Wrinkle in Time" published and all these publishers asked her why she didn't go with them, and she said it was because they had rejected her! :)

Rejection - boy, has that been the journey for both of us.  

Living a creative life and just having the time of our lives not just doing music - but living life & enjoying the gift of all these wonderful things we are able to do - it's a journey.  It may not be normal. But it has opened us up to meet so many different kinds of people, hear different music, visit different cities, and ultimately to see the variety of people out there. I've never really had a love for a city before (I've always wanted to just get out of a city or felt stifled), but my church talks a lot about loving the city, blessing the city, praying for the city. My love for the city of Los Angeles/Hollywood has been changed and that's another great thing! 

So if you're a fan of our music, we thank you.  If you're just reading our blog because you're stalking me to see how my life has turned out - :)  I wish I could tell you all the funny & wacky stories of my life and what a blast it has been! 

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