Sunday, June 19, 2011

Anthropologie has the cutest stuff, including their store design.  This is a car made out of cardboard we saw at the Grove a month ago. You can actually sit inside (if you were a child or a very small adult). If we didn't have a moral compass we would have stolen it. 

Some of you might be wondering how our tour funding has worked out.  Well, we didn't make our kickstarter project.  At first we were disappointed at the lack of responses and support. But we understood that unless you have already heard of it, it is a little confusing.  It's hard for musicians and artists to fund their careers.  It's kinda like we need a boost in order to get started (like any business that asks a bank for a loan).  Plus, for many of us our parents have invested so much money in our upbringing to become the artists we are today.  When does that investment start kicking in and showing results?  There's no real answer.  But despite not meeting our kickstarter goal for some reason we weren't worried.  We just knew we would make it.  And lo and behold, a few people (outside of kickstarter) donated large sums to us so we actually exceeded our kickstarter goal!  Amazing.... 

Our tour starts in a few days! We are excited... we will post our exact dates soon.  

We also noticed our links on our website don't work for some reason.  We will try to get that fixed and running very soon! 

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